You can have healthy marriage communication in 30 days or less without going to marriage counseling.

(That's waaaay less than a 1-hour counseling session!)

Purchase The Consecrated Conversations Devotional Experience + Bonuses for just $27!

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I know I should be making more effort to connect with my spouse, but I am so disappointed and hurt that I hold back.

Let's face it--there's nothing more frustrating than trying to talk to your spouse about something, only to feel like it always turns into a fight and you're not actually being heard. And there's nothing more disheartening than opening yourself up, only to have your spouse not understand you or ignore you altogether.

You desire healthy marriage communication, but sadly, that's not what's happening. Maybe you've even tried marriage counseling or couple's therapy...

And yet, nothing seems to work.

You feel stuck with no hope of anything changing. You're exhausted from poor marriage communication and in desperate need of a communication breakthrough. You're tired of trying to do it all in your own strength. You're ready for some help.

Other couples make it seem easy. But for you, it's been anything but. You thought that the hard part was admitting you have a serious communication problem, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning. And now you know you're missing something to get where you want to go.

And you're not alone. Most married couples are.

The truth is that having healthy marriage communication is a game-changer, one that will skyrocket trust, cultivate deep intimacy, and change the trajectory of future generations.

The problem? Christian marriages are failing every day due to a lack of intimacy with God, and ultimately each other. 

Why not determine to be the couple that chooses to thrive in your marriage communication and experience God's design for your marriage?

Consecrated Conversations is your roadmap to get there.

Christian Marriage Counselors & Marriage Coaches

We want to help you solve your marriage communication struggles...

once and for all!

Growing up in broken homes, neither of us had an example of what healthy marriage communication looked like. As a matter of fact, we had quite the opposite. We both knew we would never speak to our spouse the way our parents spoke to each other and were determined to create a new marriage legacy. Can you relate?

But how? How could we make this promise to ourselves a reality? We knew neither of us had the answers so that's when we got down on our knees and asked God to give us an action plan. We were desperate to start off our marriage right and knew God had to show us how.

That night the Lord gave us an action plan for our marriage that would give us the foundation to have healthy, holy communication. In our 24+ years of marriage, we've been able to work through anything that life has thrown our way because we know how to communicate well with God and one another. In addition, over the past two decades, we both earned Master's Degrees in Counseling and several professional certifications in coaching and mentorship.

Strong, Christ-centered communication has helped us through many difficult seasons of marriage. From giving birth to a stillborn son (our precious Noah) just 7 days before Mike's first year-long deployment to Iraq to financial problems to health issues...our ability to have consecrated conversations with God and each other has carried us gracefully through them all.

Are you ready to do the same? If so, trust and know that you didn't come to this page by accident. God has a good plan for your marriage and He has equipped and anointed us to help guide you through it. We are confident that this 30-Day devotional experience will give you the marriage communication breakthrough you've been hoping and praying for!

Ready for a marriage communication breakthrough?


Imagine experiencing deep, intimate connection with your beloved 24/7.

Here's what that would look like...

  • increased intimacy in all areas of your marriage (body, mind, spirit)
  • growing closer during difficult seasons of marriage (rather than drifting apart)
  • establishing the life-changing habit of praying together
  • developing the spiritual discipline to read God's Word together
  • more peace and joy because you're working as a team instead of against each other
  • creating a Christ-focused marriage legacy for future generations

(That's a savings of 99% off!)

Get INSTANT Access to Consecrated Conversations + Bonuses for $27!

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

"Consecrated Conversations gives specific, powerful talking points (and action items) for any married couple seeking to grow closer to God and to each other. More than just a devotional to read together, the Consecrated Conversations coaching sessions guide couples on how to have meaningful exchanges about key marriage topics so that they can enjoy a better, more fulfilled relationship."

Alicia Michelle, Bible Teacher + Christian Life Coach


The couple's devotional experience that helps you create the habit of healthy marriage communication in 30 days or less.

Consecrated Conversations is a life-giving devotional experience, designed to help you create healthy holy marriage communication, so that you can experience the fulfilling marriage you both desire (and deserve!).

Consecrated Conversations was created to help Christian couples achieve a marriage communication breakthrough because no one gets married to live in a perpetual state of conflict. So far, this devotional has helped 18K+ people around the world cultivate an intimate connection with both God and their beloved, that says a lot!

If you are a Christian couple and want to do marriage differently than your parents did, this is a devotional experience that we promise you will not want to miss.

Each day's devotional has 4 sections to get your marriage on its way to healthy, intimate communication.

SECTION 1: Daily Bible Verse

Each day starts off with a relevant Bible verse that will get your heart and mind in the right place before you begin your devotion. These spirit-led, hand-selected verses are the perfect way to start off your day.

  • Your daily verse helps you create the daily discipline of reading God's Word.
  • The Bible verse keeps God at the center of your life and marriage.
  • Daily Bible verses help you build a strong marriage on the infallible Word of God.

SECTION 2: Daily Devotional

Each chapter has a short, practical marriage devotional that will help facilitate a deep connection between you and your spouse.

  • The daily devotions help you keep Christ at the center of your marriage.
  • Each devotional fosters strong marriage communication between you and your beloved.
  • The devotionals will give you the tools you need to create a life-giving marriage legacy.

SECTION 3: Daily Prayer

Each chapter provides a prayer for you and your spouse to pray together to help you get deeply rooted in that week’s Scripture and devotional.

  • These prayers will help you create a deeper relationship with God.
  • Praying together establishes a stronger spiritual bond between you and your spouse.
  • Prayer helps you experience deeper intimacy in every area of your marriage (mind, body, spirit).

SECTION 4: Converse + Reflect

At the end of each chapter, you will find questions and action steps to help you reflect upon that chapter’s verse, devotional, and prayer as they relate to your life.

  • These conversations cultivate deep, heartfelt communication with your spouse.
  • Deep, Holy-Spirit led connection happens as you work through the reflection questions together.
  • This section will help guide you as you experience a level of intimacy that you never have before.

(That's a savings of 99% off!)

Get INSTANT Access to Consecrated Conversations + Bonuses for $27!

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

"This devotional is amazing. My wife and I both had some high expectations but this devotional over-delivers and did more for us than we could imagine. You guys helped us communicate and we had not done this well in over a decade. It even helped us reconcile with our oldest while creating some new solid communication with our youngest.

This devotional is the real deal. But you have to really decide to commit to doing this or else it won't work!"  

Todd, Associate Pastor


Consecrated Conversations is changing marriage communication around the world, for the better.

Joseph + LaToya

"Consecrated Conversations has really changed our marriage and our perspective on how to communicate while putting God first. We highly recommend you purchase this devotional!"

Sonya R.

"What it's really done for us in our marriage is it has helped us to connect and develop a habit of meeting together on a regular basis. All of it together is growing us as one person and as a married couple."

(That's a savings of 99% off!)

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

"This devotional experience is deeply rooted in biblical truth! Our favorite part of this devotional is the 'Converse + Reflect' section at the end of each week. It encourages couples to think and pray through certain aspects of their relationship and have the courage to work towards change together. Consecrated Conversations is a must-read for marriages of all stages of life!"

Glen + Sarah Ann, Bible Literacy Experts


Get the tools you need to experience healthy, holy marriage communication.

When you purchase Consecrated Conversations, you will have instant access to the tools you need to develop the habit of healthy, holy communication in your marriage.

Our proven process provides a 30 day step-by-step plan to help you cultivate the life-giving habits of praying, reading the Bible, and communicating well so you'll never wonder what your next step should be.

This one-of-a-kind devotional experience includes:

Consecrated Conversations: 30 Conversational Devotions for Couples (eBook) - $47 Value

Through 30 intentional Christ-focused conversations with God and one another, Consecrated Conversations will teach you and your spouse how to master the art of holy communication in your marriage.

-195 pages (printable PDF)
-Sections in each devotional: Bible Verse, Devotion, Prayer, Converse + Reflect

30 Coaching Sessions (one for each devotional) - $1,875 Value

You will receive 7+ hours of coaching from two professional Christian Counselors and Certified Marriage Coaches (that's us!). These coaching sessions will elevate your devotional experience by helping you implement what you learn. Bottom line, these coaching videos will totally transform your marriage communication forever.

-30 Coaching Video Sessions (short and actionable)

BONUS #1: Implementation Workshop - $125 Value

You will receive a bonus 30-minute workshop explaining the concept of Consecrated Conversations and how it applies directly to your life and marriage. This in-depth biblical workshop will take your understanding of communication as you know it to the next level!

BONUS #2: 30 Printable Scripture Cards - $15 Value

Take your devotional experience to the next level with our bonus printable scripture cards. These cards have the Bible verses that go with each of the 30 devotionals. This is a great way to memorize more scriptures and grow in your relationship with God all while creating the marriage legacy of your dreams.

BONUS #3: Printable Date Night Planner - $7 Value

Our fun monthly date night planner kit printables are a sure-fire way to make sure quality time is always on the forefront of your marriage! Can someone say more romance? Who doesn't want more of that? And because you can print them out, you will also save a ton of money because you can use them over and over!

Total Value: $2,069

Regular Price: $147


(That's a savings of 99% off!)

Get INSTANT Access to Consecrated Conversations for $27!

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

"The Kerchevals really break down the Bible in this devotional experience. Not only does it help my wife and I connect it has given us some major insight into the scriptures!"

 –Jamie, Proud Husband to One


Is Consecrated Conversations Right For Me?


After payment you will receive access to your digital files as follows: Printable PDF eBook File, 30 Coaching Videos, Bonus Video Workshop Access, 30 Printable Scripture Cards (PDF file), and date night planner downloads.


At this time Consecrated Conversations is only available in digital PDF format. You can use your favorite eBook reader to view it, print the entire devotional and have it bound, or keep it in a 3-ring binder.


Consecrated Conversations will be delivered digitally, via the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 5-10 minutes of your purchase. Please be sure to check your SPAM/PROMOTIONS folder if you don't see your login.


Because this is a digital product, all sales are final. Please be sure to ask any questions you may have prior to your purchase.


Yes. Even if your spouse is unwilling to work through this devotional with you, you can still take what you learn and apply it to your marriage. There is no limit to what God can do when His people trust and obey Him.


Yes, absolutely. This devotional would be a great way to start off marriage! It would also be a great gift for newlyweds, too.


We actually don't recommend any specific timeframe. Rather we recommend working through each devotion until you are satisfied with the result.


Yes! If you want to continue to grow in the area of communication and intimacy with both God and your spouse, this devotional will work for you. This devotional experience will meet any couple right where they are and help them take their marriage to the next level.


(That's a savings of 99% off!)

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.