Strengthen your marital intimacy and prayer life in just 30 days with The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience!

Purchase The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience for Over 99% Off!

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Leaning to your own understanding in life and marriage is exhausting!

Wouldn't it be nice to finally commit your marriage to God in prayer, once and for all?

Imagine how consistently praying for your spouse will completely transform your marriage...

  • Deeper intimacy and connection with God and each other.
    If we have learned anything over the past 3 decades of praying together it is this: There is nothing more intimate (spiritually and emotionally) than spending time in the presence of our Father. We don't know how to love one another if we don't have a strong discipline of communicating with God. And all of this leads to healthier communication, deeper trust and stronger physical intimacy, too.
  • Healthier communication with your spouse.
    What couple doesn't desire to have strong, healthy communication? But sadly, most of us fall short. When you are creating the holy, healthy habit of communicating with God in prayer, it moves over into your marriage. That's a win-win! And let's be real, it is impossible to walk in LOVE with your spouse if you're always fighting!
  • The confidence you need to fully walk in your calling as individuals and as a Kingdom couple. Which gives you REAL PEACE!
    When you get in God's presence together through the intimate act of prayer, you will no longer wonder who you are, instead, you'll walk boldly in the calling God has on your life! (Yes! You have an important calling for the Kingdom!) This, in turn, creates true peace in your marriage covenant. Who doesn't want that?

It's time to stop wishing you prayed together and start doing it!

The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience is an easy-to-use digital product suite that helps you develop the daily habit of praying
for your marriage. If you desire to grow in your relationship
with God
and have breakthrough in your marriage...

(That's a savings of more than 99% off!)

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

When you commit to consistently praying for your marriage you will...

  • Experience the power of answered prayer on a deeper level.
    God wants nothing more than to give you the innermost desires of your heart (after all He put them there). When you spend consistent time with Him in prayer, you begin to discern His voice and hear His answers to prayer.
  • Gain a deeper sense of purpose as a Kingdom couple. Knowing WHO you are in Christ as a couple will propel you into greater intimacy together in mind, body, and spirit!
  • Show your children how to create a Christ-focused legacy. When your children see you praying and hear the testimonies of answered prayers, this will teach them to do the same. This life-giving legacy of prayer will bless your children and future generations to come!
  • Stop feeling guilty because you know you should be praying, but instead be empowered because you'll actually be doing it. Oh boy, do we know how horrible that feels. Thankfully we made the choice decades ago to pursue Christ wholeheartedly in prayer and don't have to live like that anymore!

Kingdom Couple: ARISE!

Hello Dear Friend!

We're Mike & Carlie Kercheval. It's so great to "meet" you!

Our God-given mandate is to help you experience victory in every area of your marriage by helping you develop the spiritual disciplines of prayer and spending time in God's Word.

We are both Professional Christian Marriage Counselors, Certified Marriage Coaches, Marriage Mentors, and Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coaches.

We've been reading, praying, and studying God's Word together for over 26 years. It has become one of our greatest joys! Connecting in prayer and God's Word has allowed us to walk in our callings with great confidence and faith and helps us raise our children for the glory of God.

But it hasn't been easy. As a matter of fact, we've had to fight hard to keep these habits at the forefront of our covenant. It seems like everything has tried to rob us of this intimate, life-giving time together. But we are not willing to sit back and let the enemy have our family. No way!

Maybe you can relate?

Meeting together with God in prayer is one of the greatest gifts you can experience in your marriage! That's why we created this marriage prayer experience. Are you ready to connect with God in prayer for the next 30+ days? Don't have time to connect every day? Then do it once a week. The point is that you have to start somewhere, why not start today?

Get The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience today for over 99% Off!

Here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the
The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience:

  • 30-Day Marriage Prayer Challenge Devotional ($47 Value)
    This is a 155 page printable PDF. Each devotional has the following sections: Scripture, Discussion Points, Focused Prayer Points, Prayer (based on daily verse), Reflection & Application, and a page for notes in each section.
  • 30 Prayer Challenge Video Lessons ($3000 Value) These are the video lessons from our 30-day LIVE marriage prayer event! These teachings are packed full of prayer and biblical insights to help you conquer common obstacles and thrive in your marriage. More than 25+ hours of prayer, divine revelation, and teaching from God's Word!
  • The Praying Couple® Prayer Journal ($47 Value)
    This printable PDF is the perfect place to write down your prayers, lists to pray for others, answers to prayers, dreams, and more.
  • BONUS: The Marriage Bible Study Bundle ($227 Value)
    This marriage-focused Bible study bundle includes:
    -Powerful Confessions for Your Marriage (video & workbook)
    -The Three Golden Rules of Communication (video & workbook)
    -The Power of Meditating on Scripture in Marriage (video & workbook)
    -The Undistracted Marriage Bible Study (video & workbook)

Total value: $3,321
Regular price: $97

Special Price: $27

(That's a savings of over 99% off!)

Purchase The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience

PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Ultimate Marriage Prayer Experience will be delivered digitally, via the email address you provide at checkout. You will not receive anything in the mail. Your login information should arrive within 5-10 minutes of your purchase. Please be sure to check your SPAM/JUNK and promotions folder as sometimes emails get stuck there.


That's okay. Even if you work through this experience alone, God will richly bless you for your obedience. The truth is, you are only accountable to God for doing your part in your marriage. What better way to grow into the best possible spouse you can be than by spending time in prayer with your Heavenly Father? With God, you can't go wrong!


There are no refunds on our digital products. Due to international copyright laws and immediate access to your products, all sales are final.